This package contains a set of 38 highly detailed prefabs Conifer trees, Bushes. With it, you can create realistic coniferous environments.
For more details this asset from the Unity Asset Store: Click Here
This is a paid asset, but now you can download the “Spruce Trees Pack” for FREE, Please keep in mind this package is provided only for learning purposes or to be able to test before buying the product, NOT FOR COMMERCIAL PURPOSES.
Spruce Trees Pack v1.1
“If possible, please buy the package to support the developer”
This package contains a set of 38 highly detailed prefabs Conifer trees,Bushes.
With it, you can create realistic coniferous environments.
High-resolution SCREENSHOTS
************Tree Texture Resolution:8K*************
***********Ground Texture Resolution:2K***********
This package contains:
TreeOptimizedPrefabs with LODs:
1:ConiferTreeBig01_Optimized >>> 6276/3252/920/720/billboard
2:ConiferTreeBig02_Optimized >>> 5904/4116/864/billboard
3:ConiferTreeBig03_Optimized >>> 5508/2472/2032/1072/billboard
4:ConiferTreeBig04_Optimized >>> 4396/3888/2768/776/billboard
5:ConiferTreeSmall01_Optimized >>> 2748/2340/432
6:ConiferTreeSmall02_Optimized >>> 1900/1568/344
7:ConiferTreeSmall03_Optimized >>> 2588/2168/496
8:ConiferTreeSmall04_Optimized >>> 2068/1776/312
9:ConiferTreesGroup01_Optimized >>> 4320/3856/986/392
9:ConiferTreesGroup02_Optimized >>> 7020/5972/1848/640
TreeOptimizedPrefabs with LODs
1:ConiferTreeBig01_Optimized >>> 6276/3252/920/720/billboard
2:ConiferTreeBig02_Optimized >>> 5904/4116/864/billboard
3:ConiferTreeBig03_Optimized >>> 5508/2472/2032/1072/billboard
4:ConiferTreeBig04_Optimized >>> 4396/3888/2768/776/billboard
5:ConiferTreeSmall01_Optimized >>> 2748/2340/432
6:ConiferTreeSmall02_Optimized >>> 1900/1568/344
7:ConiferTreeSmall03_Optimized >>> 2588/2168/496
8:ConiferTreeSmall04_Optimized >>> 2068/1776/312
9:ConiferTreesGroup01_Optimized >>> 4320/3856/986/392
9:ConiferTreesGroup02_Optimized >>> 7020/5972/1848/640
4-Grass,Flowers Textures:
4-Ground Terrain Textures(diffuse,normal,height maps):
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