This is a paid asset, but now you can download Webcam Review for FREE, Please keep in mind this package is provided only for learning purposes or to be able to test before buying the product, NOT FOR COMMERCIAL PURPOSES.
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Webcam Review v1.0
“If possible, please buy the package to support the developer”
Requires Unity 5.4.2p4 or higher.
Works on Windows, Linux and android.
Webcam review is an asset that serves
to integrate a webcamera system
when you make a video review of your
Webcam review does not record video.
But shows the gamer, user on screen
in real time.
It facilitates the work of bloggers,
youtubers or simply any user.
You will just need a recording program
of screen capture and no longer need
a third program to integrate webcam
or later, the edition of video,
that wastes so much time, to intercalate
the video recording in the review.
Using Webcam review, you make things
easier for users, if they want to make
a video review of your game.
you can use on linux windows and
now, it’s easy to do reviews on android
you can change the cameras on
-Easy to use.
-instructions included.
-you can put the camera window
whereveryou want.
-Dimensions the size of the camera
-disables the menu for a better recording
-full source code
-c sharp