This is a paid asset, but now you can download Multiplayer HORROR FPS KIT Integration for FREE, Please keep in mind this package is provided only for learning purposes or to be able to test before buying the product, NOT FOR COMMERCIAL PURPOSES.
For more detail this asset from the Unity Asset Store: Click Here
Multiplayer HORROR FPS KIT Integration v0.6
“If possible, please buy the package to support the developer”
Updated for Horror FPS Kit Version 1.6.3a (CHECK RELEASE FOR NOTES!
***Requires Photon Pun 2 ***
This asset also requires Photon PUN 2 in order to work.
A striped down version of Pun 2 is already included and is recommended to just use the version in the package. I will try to keep this updated when Photon releases new updates but to be sure all is functional it is best to just stick with the Photon PUN 2 that is already included.
This asset will convert all Horror FPS Kit script to work with Photon Pun 2 all you need to do is click the “UpdateHFPS” button under Prophets Place menu.
I have all of the basic functions of the Horror FPS KIT working with multiplayer. This integration is in an early alpha phase and so there are a few bugs that are being worked out.
Things that are working with multiplayer
*Player movement
*Health and Damage systems
*Items in hands
*CCTV with cameras
*Footstep sounds
*Jump Scare
Basically every function from the Horror FPS KIT has been networked and synced and I am more or less just going over them to make things work better at this point.
Besides the HFPS Functions I have added some of my own.
*Loading into and out of different scenes per player in room.
*Public and private rooms
*Dead system with ghost players
*Leveling system
*Multiplayer Saving