Skybox Blender is a tool that helps you transition through an unlimited amount of HDRI (cubemaps) skyboxes or blend two together using a custom shader.
This is a paid asset, but now you can download Skybox Blender for FREE, Please keep in mind this package is provided only for learning purposes or to be able to test before buying the product, NOT FOR COMMERCIAL PURPOSES.
For more detail this asset from the Unity Asset Store: Click Here
Skybox Blender v2.2.2 (Latest version)
Skybox Blender v2.2.1
Skybox Blender v2.2.0
“If possible, please buy the package to support the developer”
Transition from one skybox to another in a smooth and soothing fashion. Can be used for something like a day/night cycle.
Demo & Documentation | Discord | Publisher Page
The entire system and custom shader is abstracted through a custom inspector that makes everything easier for you. You can certainly go manual if you want to by using the shader directly. The system APIs give you full and easy control through code as well.
This asset supports the built-in pipeline and URP.
Blend Speed – Blending Loop- Wait Time – Rotate – Rotation Speed – Rotation Degree – Rotation Loop – Update light & reflections – Stop/Resume blend. And more options that’ll give life & control to your transitioning skyboxes.
Skybox Blender gives you the ability to update the world lighting and reflections according to the skyboxes blending. So your world ambience is always accurate with that of the skyboxes. You can also set it’s update frames to make it more performant and less demanding to your game.
Through the APIs you can check if there’s any blending process active, blend through all skyboxes in the list in a linear fashion, get the current index of the skybox material, blend to a certain skybox using it’s index, stop the current blending and resume later. Cancel the ongoing blend and reset the skybox. Control the skybox rotation and it’s aspects like speed, loop and degree. Skybox Blender gives you much control through it’s APIs. Check the documenation link above for the full list of APIs.
This package also works on mobiles, Android Multiview, VR, PC and more. So no need to worry.
This package comes with: thorough documentation file, fully-commented source code, 3 demo scenes with skyboxes to guide you and show you around.