This is a paid asset, but now you can download Awesome Effects – Complete Bundle for FREE, Please keep in mind this package is provided only for learning purposes or to be able to test before buying the product, NOT FOR COMMERCIAL PURPOSES.
For more detail this asset from the Unity Asset Store: Click Here
Awesome Effects – Complete Bundle v1.0
“If possible, please buy the package to support the developer”
The complete bundle with a huge discount!
Over 80 effects prefabs!
All re-colorable easily on inspector. The package contains Arcane, Divine, Fire, Electricity, Frost, Poison effects and a few extras. Each effect is carefully designed to meet any requirements. Most of them are mobile optimized but still look AAA quality.
Watch the videos to see their true quality.
Post Processing Stack, which is a free asset provided by Unity Systems, is required for this set to work as intended.